Saturday, October 29, 2005

The man with half a brain.

It was a dark night as most nights should be. The rains had kept people home. The local train had but one passenger who seemed intent on blending into the background. The station approached and this portly little businessman stepped in. He looked at the stranger and stared at his strange little hat. the train gained speed and another person jumped in. This man seemed friendly. the kind of guy you could get into a conversation with. The businessman took out the mid morning newspaper. He had a crossword to finish. There were but two words to go. Deciding that safety in numbers was good he went and sat down next to the man with the cap, and was joined by the somewhat friendly person. He had a kind of a smile, a smirk on his face. The capped man tried more to blend into the background.
The businessman turned to the crossword and realised his mistake. 2 across was bed not cot. That did it, everything fit in. This was so annoying. Now he had an 1/2 hour journey with nothing to do. The friendly man was searching in his windcheater pocket for something, so he picked up the newspaper and began reading it loudly. Generally this was a good way to begin a conversation. The first few pages had been covered in the morning paper so he turned to the local news. Yes this was interesting. The headlines read 'man with half a brain'. He began reading aloud "Man, this is too much. theyre taking this circulation thing too seriously. Man with half a brain. hrmmph" The man with a cap shifted uneasily. The friendly man seemed interested.
The businessman read "October 25th Mumbai. Employees at the SES nursing home received the shock of their life when they came to work to see the night duty doctor murdered. a thorough research recovered the body of a compunder. Both seemed to be killed by the same instrument. a blunt screwdriver driven through the right side of their head. The only patient at the hospital was found missing and is suspected to have also been murdered, though his body has disappeared without a trace". the train pulled up at the station and the businessman hoped to get hold of tea at some stall. He suddenly realised that his audience were intently listening to him. This could be fun.
He began" and it further says the patient was admitted because he had lost all control of his body. The left side and right side of the body had begun working independently of each other. Things had reached such an extent that the left hand began attacking the organs on the right. Apparently he had become insane. The doctor had attempted to restrain the patient. However he somehow got out of his restraints. Things reached a head when they found him lying on the floor in a pool of blood with a screwdriver pierced into the right side of his head. The doctor did all he could save him, but he drifted into a coma. It seemed he would never come back. They had all but given up on him. The police suspected that the same killer had killed all three people. The forensic report said that he was a left handed person, who was decently tall and had super human strength to cause wounds of this nature. Infact he would have to be pretty burly to drag of the patient as he too was quite tall."
The businessman stopped reading then and there. The man with the cap had begun shaking, almost trembling. The friendly looking person also noticed this. He called the businessman to the other side where they could keep their distance. In this rains you could never say what disease he was carrying. Another station had passed. The businessman had forgotten about the tea. It was just two stops to his home.
By this time the person with the cap was visibly sweating. He took out a rather large hankerchief and wiped his face. he had big burly hands. The businessman decided that he must complete the article. This was just too interesting. This time he read out in a much lower voice " the police were most surprised to find the doctors desk neatly rearranged. The only addition was a message 'The revenge of the man with half a brain'. score: 2"
Any other time, this news would have been treated most disdainfully and he'd have proceeded to take a nap till his station. But the trembling man, made it more and more difficult to ignore him any longer.
"Hello boss, Are you catching a cold or something." There was a faint mumble which they decided was a no. The businessman decided that some humour was necessary. Clearly the news had affected this poor guy. He spoke in the general direction of the friendly man but actually meaning it for the other person " Man with half a brain. You'd require half a brain to believe these things. Yellow journalism, I tell you. What will these people come up with next? "
It was then that the capped man turned. there was a scar running all across his right cheek and he had the hollow look of a dead man. He'd have laughed if he'd seen such a person on some horror show. But this was real life and he gulped. The man with the cap got up and walked to the door. Suddenly it struck him. He turned to the friendly guy, who nodded with a grave expression.
Normally he was considered a vry mild mannered man. But there were instances when he had been unexpectedly brave. the killer had to be stopped at all counts. the friendly guy made the first move and pounced on the killer who pushed him off quite easily. He croaked " Whats wrong with you?" The businessman then used all his weight to ram the killer. he slipped but held onto the door frame with one hand. The businessman used all his force to push him away. For an instance the killers face came close to him and he croaked "Take all my money, but spare me." There one final tug and the killer was off the train. Trying to bribe him with money was he. he bent down to pick up his cellphone which had popped out during the tussle. There was a missed call fom his wife. Wait till she learnt all that he had to say. But first he must thank the friendly gentleman. he half turned to see a glint of something metallic moving his way at a speed that was humanly impossible, a maniacal laugh and then a sharp shooting unbearable pain and then nothing.
The train pulled into the last station. A young group of college students got in. The foremost guy jumped into the train before it stopped. He was gently reprimanded by a gentleman who was in an equal hurry to get down. He ran to the corner seat and turned to the other window and screamed and shouted as if in a frenzy. His friends ran to his aid and were equally shocked. The bravest amongst them moved towards the body slumped in a pool of blood. The dead man was half clutching a newspaper. He then noticed words clumsily written on the wall of the compartment in blood. " The revenge of the man with half a brain. score:4".

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