Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Alladin - Chapter two - Mehru Nisa

Click to read Chapter one

27th December, 2009

'Mr. Sanjay Shenoy, Wake up. It's past 7:00 already'

'Can't you bathe him today, Sonya?'

'No, he knows it's your day and he refuses'

'Stubborn like his mother.'

'No he has OCD like his father..'

'BTW what is that you were reading all last night?'

'Diary of the terrorist who was caught at Vasai'

'Oh, that Chand guy?'

'No, his name is Alladin, I think'

'Alladin, Who names their kids that way?'

'An english literature professor at Jammu university'

'English literature...You're kidding me. You're just saying that to tease me.'

'No baba. Apparently there is a violent gene in all English literature professors which they pass on to their sons. haa haa'

'Well please towel the head of your violent kid when you're done.' Sonya's face turned serious as she moved towards the kitchen.

'Hey, what happened. I was just teasing you'

'I know. Just thinking....'

Shenoy bathes his son and gets him ready for school and then picks up the newspaper

'Where's the front page dear?'

Sonya comes out with the first page which had a picture of Sanjay and Sonya bowing down to take their blessings from his in - laws.

'Sorry, Sanjay'

'Well, at least they could've published a better picture'

0900 hrs
Shenoy walks into Sharma's office and sits down

'Welcome Damadji..'

'Sir, you'd called for me.'

'Yes, any update on this Chand guy? What do the doctor's say?'

'Sir, his name is Alladin not Chand and he's still critical. Doctor says he is sinking'

'Alladin, weird name. Are you sure?'

'At least that's what his diary says.'

'Great get someone to get a summary of that diary done ASAP'

'Sir, If you don't mind, I'd like to do it myself considering the sensitivity'

'Agree. Can't we pump him with some pain killers and interrogate him before he dies?'

'I don't think so. The doctors won't allow us to go near him till he's fit to talk'

'Damn idiots. What do you think these terrorists would've done if it was the other way round?'

'But that's why sir they are terrorists and we are not.'

'Shenoy, when you are shot at by a terrorist with an AK 47 in a crowded locality and you have to reply with a service revolver, these ideals suddenly disappear'

'I agree Sir. But I will try to hold on to them as far as I can.'

'Good for you. Now come back here when you have some news and preferably I'd like to hear it from you before I see it on the news'

3:30pm, Vasai beach
The area where the boat debris were found have been cordoned off with 2 policemen overlooking the site.

Shenoy looks at the report that Adil has just handed him, 'What does the forensic say?'

'Plastic explosives and that too some high grade stuff called semtex was on those boats. That's what caused the explosion and ripped the 2 boats at around the same time. They would have been travelling at some speed when the explosion happened. It seems to be a timer'

'Faulty timer'

'Unlikely sir. Unless they were dumb enough to travel with an armed explosive in their boat.'

'Any target they could have been attacking as a sucide mission'

'There's nothing here that we know off Sir. Unless the Navy is keeping something secret. Unlikely though'

'they must've planned to use the creek to travel up towards Bhayander?'

'Why Sir, they could as well board the 7:40 local to churchgate.'

'What about security checks at the station?'

'Sir, Our entire force would be inadequate for checking all the people going to office at any station'

'Agree. Can't understand what was their plan. Any radio equipment?'

'There were some walkie talkies but apparently nothing that could have been used to send the signal the fishermen'

'So no idea who our mystery saviour could be?'

'Sir, mother says good things happen to good people'

'Well tell me your mother has a Phd on mysterious radio transmission and we are halfway towards solving this case'

'Well she makes great kebabs, if that helps?'

'Well pity I am vegetarian.'

'That's Ok Sir. No one's perfect. By the way whats in the diary?'

'Apparently Mr. Alladin in the hospital is the son of a professor of English literature. His mother died when he was a kid but his father's sister helps out the family. And he has an elder sister called Mehru Nisa'

'Mehru Nisa, that means woman of the sun'

'I am impressed Mr. Adil'

'Actually was the name of a girl I had a crush on in school'

'Good, something interesting to discuss on the way back'

11:00 pm
Shenoy adjusts his pillow and dims his reading light and picks up the diary.

May 19, 2005

Mehr is always trying to get me into trouble with Abba because I won't do my part of the chores. Abba believes that we must all do our part of housework. I know it is because we are poor. Last Ramzaan Abba could not even buy himself a new dress. This carpet business is not working and no one seems to want english tutions from someone like Abba who doesn't support the cause. 
Mehr keeps preening at the mirror everyday. She knows that the gardeners son likes her. Stupid girl. She has started acting more girlish nowadays. what with Ammis old dress that Aapa gave her.

May 20, 2005
Windswept skies never knew how,
to stop the clouds from running away.
Try as they will the clouds are gone,
It's a wonderful warm sunny day.

The sheep know not their way,
their destiny is to get lost.
Their white coats on the green grass,
like a green carpet covered with frost.

They bleat to each other in despair,
Each one trying to find his way out.
Of the cycle that continues with a carpet,
Or ends satisfying someone's hungry mouth.

We too are like these clueless sheep,
Seeking the destiny that we desire.
The course that will take us to paradise,
Or the judgement that will end with fire. 

'Bloody hell'

'What happened?'

'Nothing you sleep'

and then Shenoy muttering to himself in disbelief  'And this guy turned into a terrorist'

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